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Case study: SoftPoint – Enhancing Infrastructure and Deployment Efficiency

Streamlining Processes, Improving Scalability, and Reducing Costs through Comprehensive Technical Solutions


Softpoint sought assistance with system infrastructure, monitoring, integration, and deployment processes. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of key areas to effectively address their needs.

Analysis Areas

  • Infrastructure: Reviewed and optimized Kubernetes, virtual machines, and PostgreSQL setups.
  • Monitoring: Developed dashboards to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Resource Limitation: Implemented tenant-based resource limits.
  • Auto-Deployment and GitLab CI: Streamlined deployment processes.
  • Cost Analysis: Identified opportunities for cost savings.
  • Auto-Scaling Pods: Planned for future scalability.


We integrated auto-deployment scripts with GitLab CI, addressed pipeline issues, and enhanced deployment processes. The infrastructure was upgraded, including Kubernetes and PostgreSQL tweaks, and new instance pools were configured for cost efficiency.

Infrastructure Changes

  • Upgraded Kubernetes and optimized worker configurations.
  • Implemented cost-saving measures, reducing expenses by hundreds of EUR per month

Additional Improvements

  • Enabled security features like WAF and session stickiness.
  • Optimized PostgreSQL settings and addressed memory management issues.


The collaboration resulted in streamlined automated deployment, improved operational efficiency, scalability, and cost savings. Our partnership with Softpoint led to infrastructure and process improvements, setting the stage for future growth and scalability.

Contact Person

Peter Jakubík, CEO SoftPoint

Provided services

Key Technologies

  • MS Azure
  • Kubernetes
  • WAF
  • PostgreSQL
  • GitLab